Unlike the Ticonderoga cruisers, based in the town Spruance class destroyer and machinery, the Arleigh Burkes were designed from the keel up as a single class of ships. From the "experience" of the Royal Navy during the Falklands War, the Burke is all steel construction (usually steel helmets were, while the superstructure was constructed of aluminum) and improve their survival . In addition, Burke is the first class of vessel to incorporate a system of collective protection of the NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) defense.
The CPS has dual air hatches closed, limited access time of the deck, positive pressurization of the interior spaces, and 100% of the intake air particles. Arleigh Burke destroyers also the first fighter to incorporate kind of stealth technology in its construction. These improvements include stealth rounded edges and surfaces at an angle to capture and redirect radar signals infrared exhaust suppression, and the Prairie Masker hull suppression system / leaf.